Save the date!
Presque Isle Conservation District will hold its Annual Meeting & Election
Friday, August 26th
from 3:00pm to 6:30pm
at the Up North 23 Restaurant
530 N 3rd St, Rogers City, MI 49779
Residents of Presque Isle County ages 18+ who can produce a valid ID may vote in the election.
Families are welcome and donations accepted.
See our "Meet the Candidates" section below.
Dinner will be served while we enjoy an educational talk by a local expert
on karst geology & hydrology and how it relates to water quality in this area:
Tyrone Black
Certified Professional Geologist and
formerly a Senior Geologist with the Michigan DEQ.
Read his bio and list of publications here!
Presque Isle Conservation District will hold its Annual Meeting & Election
Friday, August 26th
from 3:00pm to 6:30pm
at the Up North 23 Restaurant
530 N 3rd St, Rogers City, MI 49779
Residents of Presque Isle County ages 18+ who can produce a valid ID may vote in the election.
Families are welcome and donations accepted.
See our "Meet the Candidates" section below.
Dinner will be served while we enjoy an educational talk by a local expert
on karst geology & hydrology and how it relates to water quality in this area:
Tyrone Black
Certified Professional Geologist and
formerly a Senior Geologist with the Michigan DEQ.
Read his bio and list of publications here!
Meet the Candidates!!
Voters will choose two (2) out of these three (3) candidates to serve a Four-Year Term:
Four-Year Term:
Ralph Viegelahn, Chairman of the Board, is a local farmer whose family has been thriving for generations in this area. Ralph is one of our longest-standing Board members, owns a local restaurant, and has a keen awareness of geopolitical influences on American agriculture. Ralph's lifetime of observation and experience has led him to adopt minimum till practices and to use minimal application of control measures for pests, maximizing effectiveness through careful observation and timing.
Katy Carignan: Katy Carignan is an enthusiastic hiker and nature lover. She has hiked throughout much of the US and Europe and is passionate about conservation and the importance of natural spaces. She loves her 1914 home on Lake Huron and the natural beauty of the area. She is a board member of the Rogers City Community Theatre and last winter directed the musical, The Addams Family. As a young attorney she helped found the Urban Green Partnership in Philadelphia, PA to help community members, businesses, and nonprofits find ways to make the city a healthier and greener place. She rehabbed a 1924 warehouse in Miami, FL to create a revitalized space for artists to live and work in downtown Miami. The project took a blighted property and made it an anchor space in a new downtown arts center. She has been the Director of Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts and LegalArt and served as a member of the Downtown Development Authority in downtown Miami.
Lawrence Anderson: I retired in Rogers City in 2010, but have been a summer resident since the 50’s. I am presently an appointed member of the PICD Board of Directors. I sought the appointment and seek your vote now because I believe in the PICD’s mission to, “Plan, protect and enhance the wise use of natural resources.” During the time I have served on the Board, in addition to the present board members, I have met other like-minded persons at board meetings and at tree sales. At this year’s tree sale, I saw a young couple with three, young, school age children leave with each child carrying a fruit tree and a grin. It reminded me of a Norman Rockwell, Saturday Evening Post cover art, a reference many Rogers City residents will appreciate. I want to be a part of that. Please come to the PICD's annual meeting at Up North 23 Restaurant on August 26th and vote for Lawrence Anderson.
Voters will choose two (2) out of these three (3) candidates to serve a Two-Year Term:
Two-Year Term:
Frank Sapio: I currently hold an interim position on the Board of Directors for the Presque Isle Conservation District, serving as the Treasurer and Staff Supervisor overseeing the District’s Administrator and Forester positions. I am retired from both the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and USDA Forest Service. I have over 40 years of experience in Forestry and Natural Resources
Management in Michigan, nationally and internationally. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Forest Management and a Master’s degree in Forest Health Protection both from Michigan State University.
I have extensive experience in program development, interagency and international coordination, invasive species management and technology development for natural resources management. I’ve held significant leadership positions in both DNR and USDA, ultimately retiring as assistant Director for Forest Health Protection with USDA. After retirement, I moved to Presque Isle County, largely because of its natural resources. I still feel a strong need to protect those resources and contribute to the community that depends upon them.
I would appreciate an opportunity to continue advising Natural Resources programming and decision making as a member of the Conservation Board and believe my interests in invasive species, accountability and transparency will serve the resources and citizens of Presque Isle County well.
Anne Belanger: As a long term resident of Rogers Township, I am dedicated to the community of northeast Michigan and its environs. My passion for providing education in all multi-disciplinary genres has served well in my position as program and regional outreach director, and grant writer at Presque Isle District Library for over twenty years. I currently serve on the Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan board for the region and governor appointed to serve on the Michigan Arts and Cultural Council since 2016 representing northeast Michigan.
My goal, if elected to serve on PICD's Board, is to expand on community outreach and education in providing access to conservation and nature oriented programs for all ages, specifically inclusive of our area youth; and continue to broaden the strong collaborative partnerships within our region to offer interactive educational and hands-on opportunities for our community members out in the field; offer opportunities for the community to engage in community roundtables to learn what are the needs and concerns as it relates to conservation and forestry efforts; and to review and implement the PICD Best Practices and Five Year Strategic Plan. Priority one is to hire a District Forester to fill the position of the exceptional work and dedication of the previous DF. Thank you for your consideration.
Leann Hopp: With 25 years’ experience as bookkeeper for the county Farm Bureau, Leann has served PICD through many organizational transitions. She continues to apply her financial acumen to stewarding PICD’s financial health. A local farmer & homesteader, Leann’s family has lived in the area for generations. Her father being in the lumber industry, Leann is passionate about sustainable forestry management, increasing private ownership of agricultural land and stewardship of long-term soil health.
Currently the seat for our One-Year term is uncontested.
One-Year Term (1 seat):
Gary Wregglesworth: I am a lifelong resident of Presque Isle County. I operate a high tunnel and roadside stand south of Onaway. I have an interest in sustainable agriculture. Having grown up in a family with a history of logging and farming I care about the natural resources in our area. Serving on the Presque Isle Conservation District Board is an opportunity to protect and enhance those resources.
Four-Year Term:
Ralph Viegelahn, Chairman of the Board, is a local farmer whose family has been thriving for generations in this area. Ralph is one of our longest-standing Board members, owns a local restaurant, and has a keen awareness of geopolitical influences on American agriculture. Ralph's lifetime of observation and experience has led him to adopt minimum till practices and to use minimal application of control measures for pests, maximizing effectiveness through careful observation and timing.
Katy Carignan: Katy Carignan is an enthusiastic hiker and nature lover. She has hiked throughout much of the US and Europe and is passionate about conservation and the importance of natural spaces. She loves her 1914 home on Lake Huron and the natural beauty of the area. She is a board member of the Rogers City Community Theatre and last winter directed the musical, The Addams Family. As a young attorney she helped found the Urban Green Partnership in Philadelphia, PA to help community members, businesses, and nonprofits find ways to make the city a healthier and greener place. She rehabbed a 1924 warehouse in Miami, FL to create a revitalized space for artists to live and work in downtown Miami. The project took a blighted property and made it an anchor space in a new downtown arts center. She has been the Director of Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts and LegalArt and served as a member of the Downtown Development Authority in downtown Miami.
Lawrence Anderson: I retired in Rogers City in 2010, but have been a summer resident since the 50’s. I am presently an appointed member of the PICD Board of Directors. I sought the appointment and seek your vote now because I believe in the PICD’s mission to, “Plan, protect and enhance the wise use of natural resources.” During the time I have served on the Board, in addition to the present board members, I have met other like-minded persons at board meetings and at tree sales. At this year’s tree sale, I saw a young couple with three, young, school age children leave with each child carrying a fruit tree and a grin. It reminded me of a Norman Rockwell, Saturday Evening Post cover art, a reference many Rogers City residents will appreciate. I want to be a part of that. Please come to the PICD's annual meeting at Up North 23 Restaurant on August 26th and vote for Lawrence Anderson.
Voters will choose two (2) out of these three (3) candidates to serve a Two-Year Term:
Two-Year Term:
Frank Sapio: I currently hold an interim position on the Board of Directors for the Presque Isle Conservation District, serving as the Treasurer and Staff Supervisor overseeing the District’s Administrator and Forester positions. I am retired from both the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and USDA Forest Service. I have over 40 years of experience in Forestry and Natural Resources
Management in Michigan, nationally and internationally. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Forest Management and a Master’s degree in Forest Health Protection both from Michigan State University.
I have extensive experience in program development, interagency and international coordination, invasive species management and technology development for natural resources management. I’ve held significant leadership positions in both DNR and USDA, ultimately retiring as assistant Director for Forest Health Protection with USDA. After retirement, I moved to Presque Isle County, largely because of its natural resources. I still feel a strong need to protect those resources and contribute to the community that depends upon them.
I would appreciate an opportunity to continue advising Natural Resources programming and decision making as a member of the Conservation Board and believe my interests in invasive species, accountability and transparency will serve the resources and citizens of Presque Isle County well.
Anne Belanger: As a long term resident of Rogers Township, I am dedicated to the community of northeast Michigan and its environs. My passion for providing education in all multi-disciplinary genres has served well in my position as program and regional outreach director, and grant writer at Presque Isle District Library for over twenty years. I currently serve on the Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan board for the region and governor appointed to serve on the Michigan Arts and Cultural Council since 2016 representing northeast Michigan.
My goal, if elected to serve on PICD's Board, is to expand on community outreach and education in providing access to conservation and nature oriented programs for all ages, specifically inclusive of our area youth; and continue to broaden the strong collaborative partnerships within our region to offer interactive educational and hands-on opportunities for our community members out in the field; offer opportunities for the community to engage in community roundtables to learn what are the needs and concerns as it relates to conservation and forestry efforts; and to review and implement the PICD Best Practices and Five Year Strategic Plan. Priority one is to hire a District Forester to fill the position of the exceptional work and dedication of the previous DF. Thank you for your consideration.
Leann Hopp: With 25 years’ experience as bookkeeper for the county Farm Bureau, Leann has served PICD through many organizational transitions. She continues to apply her financial acumen to stewarding PICD’s financial health. A local farmer & homesteader, Leann’s family has lived in the area for generations. Her father being in the lumber industry, Leann is passionate about sustainable forestry management, increasing private ownership of agricultural land and stewardship of long-term soil health.
Currently the seat for our One-Year term is uncontested.
One-Year Term (1 seat):
Gary Wregglesworth: I am a lifelong resident of Presque Isle County. I operate a high tunnel and roadside stand south of Onaway. I have an interest in sustainable agriculture. Having grown up in a family with a history of logging and farming I care about the natural resources in our area. Serving on the Presque Isle Conservation District Board is an opportunity to protect and enhance those resources.
We are counting on your participation in our Annual Meeting and Election
to choose who will be in charge of PICD's well being for the next few years.
Please bring your friends and family,
enjoy dinner and educational entertainment,
and thanks in advance for supporting your local conservation district!
Absentee ballots are available for mailing upon request, and must be postmarked no later than 8/22.