Presque Isle Conservation District has been designated
the County Enforcement Agency (CEA)
for Presque Isle County's Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Program under the National Resources & Environmental Protection Act (Part 91).
the County Enforcement Agency (CEA)
for Presque Isle County's Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Program under the National Resources & Environmental Protection Act (Part 91).
Part 91 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA) provides for the control of soil erosion and protects adjacent properties and the waters of the state from sedimentation. A permit is generally required for any earth change activity which disturbs one or more acres of land or which is within 500 feet of a lake or stream.
Instructions for completing form:
Projects requiring GRADING are considered MAJOR PROJECTS.
Projects that do not involved grading are considered MINOR PROJECTS.
*Property owners and designated agents: Please be aware the approval for your soil erosion permit does not preclude your obligation to seek any other required permits for your project, such as those required when earth changes encroach upon regulated wetlands.
To do a preliminary check for wetlands in the area of your project, go to EGLE's wetlands map for Presque Isle County. For more information about wetlands permits, please go to EGLE's Wetlands Permits page.
For projects at the shoreline, please see EGLE's Shoreline Permitting page. For the shoreline application, go to EGLE's MIEnviro Portal.
For specific information about shoreline or wetland permits, our regional EGLE office is located in Gaylord and can be reached at 989-731-4920.
Topographic maps are available online at USGS TopoView.
To approve a soil erosion permit application, our process is as follows:
1. Application must have all its questions answered. Timing questions can be answered using month/year format.
2. Our soil erosion inspector must visit your site and see that it is congruent with your site plan, and that your proposed SESC measures will be effective.
3. Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received.
4. Questions about SESC measures, completing the application, and calls to request pickup of approved permits are welcome. Repeated calls to see if we will expedite the processing of your application are not.
5. Your permit must be approved BEFORE your earth change begins. Earth changes started prior to permit approval will invoke a double fee.
Completed applications may be emailed to Emily Frechette at [email protected]
Applications may be filed at:
Presque Isle Building & Zoning
106 E Huron Ave
Rogers City, MI 49779
Checks should be sent directly to Presque Isle Building & Zoning at the address above.
Checks should be made payable to:
Presque Isle County
District Manager Emily Frechette is certified by EGLE to perform duties as the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Inspector, Reviewer and Designer for Presque Isle County.
Property owners and designated agents who wish to meet with the District Manager prior to applying for their Soil Erosion permit are encouraged to do so. We would be happy to conduct on-site meetings prior to permit approval.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions or concerns: 989-734-4000 or [email protected].