Technical Assistance Procedure
How Referrals Work
- Landowner contacts CD Forester to set up a site visit for property evaluation.
- During site visit, CD Forester can discuss all questions you have regarding your property. They will also give recommendations for how to manage the property to meet your goals.
- If a landowner requires further assistance that cannot be provided by CD Forester (such as writing a management plan, negotiating a timber harvest, etc.), CD Forester can provide the landowner with a list of individuals that can provide the required service. OR
- The landowner can request a referral by CD Forester to natural resource professionals that can provide the required service.
How Referrals Work
- CD Forester can provide referrals to the private sector on behalf of a landowner.
- CD Forester will send out a request for the landowner’s required service (management plan, timber harvest, consultation, etc.) by email and online.
- None of the landowner’s personal information (name, address, etc.) will be listed in the referral.
- When a forestry professional wants to take on a landowner’s job, they will contact CD Forester directly to express their interest.
- CD Forester will contact the landowner and provide them with the forestry professional’s contact information (via email or snail mail).
- The landowner can then contact the forestry professionals on their list to discuss the job further.
Landowners can choose resource professionals that provide a specific service and contact them directly by phone, mail, or email.
Explanation of each Service Provider
Industrial Forester – foresters who focus in procurement of timber from a wide variety of sources, meaning that they focus in a specific timber type and try to procure wood for a specific mill or mills. These types of foresters can also sometime write management plans for their clients.
Logger – a professional that specializes in the removal of timber.
Consulting Forester – a forester that works with private forest landowners in most or all aspects of forestry including negotiating timber sales, writing management plans, marking timber, conducting forest inventory, etc.
Explanation of each Service Provider
Industrial Forester – foresters who focus in procurement of timber from a wide variety of sources, meaning that they focus in a specific timber type and try to procure wood for a specific mill or mills. These types of foresters can also sometime write management plans for their clients.
Logger – a professional that specializes in the removal of timber.
Consulting Forester – a forester that works with private forest landowners in most or all aspects of forestry including negotiating timber sales, writing management plans, marking timber, conducting forest inventory, etc.
Active Referrals for Foresters
Landowner referred
Referral Number: 016-25-09
*Site Visit Date: N/A
*Location: Cheboygan County, Inverness Township, T37N R02W
*Buildings: A cabin
*Parcel size: ~80 acres
*Soil Types: Kalkaska and Mancelona sands in harvest area. Greenwood peat, Lupton muck, and Au Gres sand on other portions of the property.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Wetlands on the southern 1/3 of the property.
*Road/Access: Access from a gravel county road. Existing trail network on property.
*Cover Types: Northern hardwoods in harvest area, mixed lowland conifer/hardwood in wetland area.
*Landowner Objectives: Complete 40-acre forest stand improvement harvest as a part of an NRCS contract. Landowner stated ~2 cords per acre of firewood plus some sawtimber are marked for removal.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible.
*Referral Close: 1/20/25
Referral Number: 071-24-30
*Site Visit Date: 3/19/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Belknap Township, T34N R05E
*Buildings: A home and farmstead
*Parcel size: ~233 acres
*Soil Types: Largest parts Cathro muck, Emmet sandy loam, Hessel loam, and Brevort mucky loamy sand. Smaller parts other sands, mucks, and loams.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some shrub dominated wetlands and other seasonally wet areas
*Road/Access: Access from gravel county roads
*Cover Types: Largely mixed aspen and lowland conifers. Pockets dominated by white cedar, sugar maple, or lowland shrubs.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest mature and overmature aspen and balsam fir in the shorter term (~20-30 acres). Maintain forest health and productivity, including for wildlife cover and forage, in the long term. Potentially interested in the Qualified Forest Program.
*Landowner Timeline: Ongoing
*Referral Close: 12/16/24
Referral Number: 071-25-01
*Site Visit Date: 10/3/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Rogers Township. T36N R04E
*Buildings: A cabin
*Parcel size: 40 acres
*Soil Types: Most of the acreage split evenly between Iosco loamy sand and Brevort mucky loamy sand. Small proportion of Au Gres sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Seasonally wet areas.
*Road/Access: Access off a gravel road, about 1 mile from US-23.
*Cover Types: Mature aspen and balsam fir throughout, scattered red maple.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest to promote regeneration of aspen and release existing seedlings, harvest or knock down declining balsam fir. May be interested in a Forest Management Plan for QFP. Located near referral 071-24-36, a 10 acre harvest—could be combined to improve economic feasibility.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible. Dry conditions make this parcel much more easily operable right now than typical.
*Referral Close: 10/17/24
Referral Number: 004-25-01
*Site Visit Date: 9/18/24
*Location: Alpena County, Alpena Township. T31N R08E.
*Buildings: A home and several outbuildings.
*Parcel size: ~145 acres
*Soil Types: Largest part Chippeny muck, significant portions Ruse loam, Lachine loam, and Hagensville fine sandy loam. Lesser parts other sands and mucks.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some forested wetlands, other seasonally wet wooded areas.
*Road/Access: Access from gravel county roads. Relatively well-established existing trail network.
*Cover Types: Overmature aspen and paper birch mixed with balsam fir, white spruce, and black spruce. Some pure stands of high quality, log-sized cedar, and some mixed stands of cedar. Scattered maple and basswood.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest to regenerate aspen and remove declining spruce/balsam fir. Thin cedar stands in operable areas. Uncertain interest in the Qualified Forest Program, so may be interested in a Forest Management Plan at some point. Potential harvest area +/- 60 acres, mostly on the areas of Ruse loam and Hagensville fine sandy loam. Some on Chippeny muck.
*Landowner Timeline: Somewhat flexible. Preferably within the next year or so.
*Referral Close: 10/3/24
Referral Number: 071-24-52
*Site Visit Date: 8/15/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Ocqueoc Township. T35N, R03E
*Buildings: A hunting camp and a barn
*Parcel size: ~160 acres
*Soil Types: Roughly 50% of the land is split between Brevort mucky loamy sand and Glawe mucky very fine sandy loam. Moderate to small portions Croswell sand, Ingalls sand, Rubicon sand, Gladwin loamy sand, Au Gres sand and others.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Two constructed ponds and some seasonally wet forested areas.
*Road/Access: Access from a paved county road and quite well-established trail network. Primary roads from previous harvest remain.
*Cover Types: Mostly mixed aspen-red maple-balsam fir. White pine and red pine scattered throughout, some stands of pine. Scattered mature bur oak and red oak. Approximately 30 acres of red maple and aspen were harvested in 2020.
*Landowner Objectives: Review and amend their QFP management plan to reflect new management preferences. Harvest some areas of red maple, aspen, and balsam fir. Reduce intensity of scheduled harvesting in some areas and focus on areas of greatest present need. Manage for long-term timber quality, forest health, and wildlife habitat with future generations in mind.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible. Next QFP harvest is scheduled for 2025, so must be completed and reported by 2031.
*Referral Close: 8/29/24
Referral Number: 071-24-51
*Site Visit Date: 7/26/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Krakow Township, T33N R07E
*Buildings: A homestead including a barn
*Parcel size: 80
*Soil Types: Greatest portion Krakow flaggy fine sandy loam and Detour flaggy loam. Small portions Hessel mucky flaggy loam and Summerville flaggy fine sandy loam.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some seasonally wet forested areas
*Road/Access: Access on one side from a paved county road and on another from a gravel road.
*Cover Types: Small portions natural northern hardwoods, sugar maple and basswood dominant, along with a white cedar stand. Larger portions mixed red pine and black pine with smaller portions of white pine, Norway spruce, and white spruce. Large component of open land, much in CRP.
*Landowner Objectives: Develop a management plan for an application to the combined Qualified Forest and Agricultural exemption program. Interested in the use of prescribed fire to manage existing stands of switchgrass and potentially some of the pines as well.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible, flexible
*Referral Close: 8/20/24
Referral Number: 016-24-12
*Site Visit Date: 6/7/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Forest Township, T34N R01E
*Buildings: None
*Parcel size: ~120 acres
*Soil Types: Largely Emmet sandy loam and Cheboygan loamy sand in stand under consideration. Other portions of the property Lupton muck, Roscommon muck, Riggsville loamy sand, Au Gres sand, Rubicon sand, Blue lake loamy sand and Croswell sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: A pond and forested wetlands outside of the proposed harvest area.
*Road/Access: Access from a gravel county road and well established trail network.
*Cover Types: Northern hardwoods, red pine plantation, and mixed lowland conifers.
*Landowner Objectives: Selection harvest in approximately 10 acres of sawlog size northern hardwoods (currently approximately 135 sq. ft/acre basal area) to improve overall stand quality and reduce basal area to 85-100 sq. ft./acre to encourage ingrowth of regeneration.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 7/1/24
Referral Number: 071-24-36
*Site Visit Date: 05/24/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Rogers Township, T36N R04E
*Buildings: A small camp
*Parcel size: 40 acres
*Soil Types: Mostly Tawas muck, Hessel loam, and Hagensville fine sandy loam. Smaller portions Iosco loamy sand and Brevort mucky loamy sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Seasonally wet to wet forested and shrub dominated areas.
*Road/Access: Improved two-track off a gravel county road, will likely require widening.
*Cover Types: Mixed aspen, red maple, and paper birch in the uplands. Lowlands dominated by winterberry holly with pockets of mountain-ash and white cedar.
*Landowner Objectives: Potentially interested in developing a forest management plan for the Qualified Forest Program. Interested in a timber harvest of the upland aspen, red maple, and paper birch in the mature stands (mostly 10”-20” DBH) on Hessel loam. Retain scattered healthy and vigorous red maple as well as all white cedar, ideally in a pocket. Approximately 10 acres readily accessible from existing trails and approximately 2.5 additional acres would require crossing very mucky forested areas.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible (some of the aspen are overmature), but willing to wait for nearby harvests if necessary to make this project economical.
*Referral Close: 7/1/24
Referral Number: 071-24-37
*Site Visit Date: 5/29/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Bismark Township, T34N R04E
*Buildings: A small garage
*Parcel size: 40 acres
*Soil Types: Mostly Ingalls sand and Croswell sand with smaller portions Molke very fine sandy loam, Roscommon muck, and Bowers silt loam.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some forested wetland areas.
*Road/Access: Access via a wide gravel access road off of a gravel county road.
*Cover Types: Large portion young aspen, smaller portion mature aspen. Pockets of northern white cedar. Lowlands dominated by black ash, red maple, balsam poplar, and tag alder.
*Landowner Objectives: May be interested in developing a management plan for the Qualified Forest Program. Harvest approximately 5 acres of mature mixed red maple, aspen, and balsam fir (mostly aspen 7-14" DBH) on Ingalls sand. Avoid damaging well formed regeneration of longer-lived species like sugar maple, oak, and (healthy) ash.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible, willing to wait for nearby harvests to make this economical.
*Referral Close: 7/1/24
Referral Number: 016-24-09
*Site Visit Date: 4/16/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Burt Township, T36N R03W
*Buildings: A home and garage
*Parcel size: Approximately 5 acres
*Soil Types: Rubicon sand
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: None
*Road/Access: Access from a paved county road
*Cover Types: Northern red oak, smaller component red maple, sugar maple, and hemlock
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest a small number of northern red oak (likely in the range of 15-30 trees). Diameters ranging from 10 to 24 inches, relatively clear boles for at least 16 feet.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible. Is aware of the risk of introducing oak wilt during summer harvests, and is somewhat flexible regarding harvest timing if combining with a nearby harvest improves practicality.
*Referral Close: 5/1/24
Referral Number: 071-24-19
*Site Visit Date: 3/23/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Metz Township, T33N R5E
*Buildings: A small cabin and garage
*Parcel Size: 160 acres
*Soil Types: Largest parts Kalkaska sand, Allendale sand, and Au Gres sand, and Dawson peat. Smaller portions Melita loamy sand, and other sands, loams, and silt loams.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: A peaty depression and some seasonally wet forested areas.
*Road/Access: ¼ mile off a paved county road. Well established trail network throughout.
*Cover Types: Multiple ages of aspen due to two previous aspen and red maple harvests. Pockets of mature, mixed natural red and white pines (sawlog size) and pockets of planted red and white pines as well as spruce (sapling through small sawlog size). An unharvested stand of mature aspen, red maple, and balsam fir with smaller component of paper birch.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest mature aspen, balsam fir, and red maple (approximately 23 acres), leaving pockets of healthy paper birch as well as individual longer-lived species. May be interested in thinning red and white pines. Potentially interested in a Forest Management Plan and the Qualified Forest Program.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 4/8/24
Referral Number: 071-24-18
*Site Visit Date: 3/21/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Metz Township, T33N R5E
*Buildings: Construction of hunting camp in progress
*Parcel Size: 158 acres
*Soil Types: Largest parts Emmet and Onaway sandy loams, Brevort mucky loamy sand, Cathro muck, Au Gres sand, Hagensville fine sandy loam, and Hessel loam. Smaller parts other sands and loams.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Seasonally wet areas, stream headwaters intersect a small portion of the property.
*Road/Access: Access from a gravel county road, 1 mile to paved county roads.
*Cover Types: Much the area was recently harvested and has red maple and aspen regeneration well established. Less than ¼ of the area was not harvested and is mostly dominated by mixed lowland conifers, especially white spruce and balsam fir. Some areas where aspen, red maple, and balsam poplar did not regenerate are dominated by grasses, sedges, and cattails.
*Landowner Objectives: Develop a forest management plan and join the Qualified Forest Program. Interested in additional timber harvests when practical.
*Landowner Timeline: Would prefer to be ready to apply for QFP before this year’s deadline (September 1).
*Referral Close: 4/4/24
Referral Number: 071-24-16
*Site Visit Date: 3/7/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Pulawski Township, T34N R06E
*Buildings: A cabin
*Parcel Size: 40 acres
*Soil Types: Mostly Hessel mucky flaggy loam with a bedrock substratum, some Au Gres sand and Evart silt loam.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: A river passes through the property, but not in the area of interest.
*Road/Access: Access from an old railroad grade
*Cover Types: Lowland hardwoods, especially quaking aspen and red maple. Lowland mixed conifers.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest all mature aspen in an approximately 100’ buffer around the well-established access road. Possibly some other pockets of aspen. Approximately 3-acre harvest along the access road.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 4/3/24
Referral Number: 016-24-06
*Site Visit Date: 3/19/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Waverly Township, T35N R01E
*Buildings: A home and barn
*Parcel Size: Approximately 80 acres
*Soil Types: Mostly Fairport fine sandy loam with a smaller component Bonduel loamy very fine sand
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: A constructed pond and some seasonally wet areas.
*Road/Access: Access from a paved county road
*Cover Types: Largest portions mature, high quality aspen ranging from 8-16” diameter. Smaller areas of northern hardwoods and mixed lowland conifers.
*Landowner Objectives: Forest management plan and harvest approximately 15 acres of mature aspen while retaining and protecting sugar maple, oak, elm, and black cherry.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 4/2/24
Referral Number: 016-24-03
*Site Visit Date: 2/23/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Munro Township, T 37 N, R 03 W
*Buildings: No
*Parcel Size: Approximately 164 acres
*Soil Types: Uplands predominately Cheboygan loamy sand with smaller portions Blue Lake loamy sand and Leelanau loamy sand. Lowlands largely Lupton muck, Brevort mucky loamy sand, Au Gres sand, and Bowstring Muck.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Partially forested wetland makes up 1/3 to 1/2 of the property.
*Road/Access: Access from two gravel county roads and one seasonal county road.
*Cover Types: Northern hardwoods (largely sugar maple and basswood), scotch pine, and mixed lowland conifer.
*Landowner Objectives: Selection cut in 30 acres of mature northern hardwoods. About 12 acres is on steep terrain. Would like small diameter scotch pine removed if possible as well. Landowner has a forest management plan.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 3/25/24
Referral Number: 016-24-04
*Site Visit Date: 3/5/34
*Location: Cheboygan County, Inverness Township, T 37 N, R 02 W
*Buildings: Yes, a house and a detached garage
*Parcel Size: Approximately 38 acres
*Soil Types: Cheboygan sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: None present
*Road/Access: Access to from gravel county roads. Existing road network on the property provides access to the stand in question.
*Cover Types: Northern hardwoods, aspen, and a spruce plantation. Plantation thinned once and is 120 sqft/acre, DBHs mostly falling within 8”-12” range.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest mature spruce plantation (just over 7 acres) to reduce the incidence of needlecast and other disease. Retain some healthy individuals with deep crowns.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible
*Referral Close: 3/25/24
Referral Number: 016-24-05
*Site Visit Date: 3/5/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Nunda Township, T 33 N, R 02 W
*Buildings: A house
*Parcel Size: Approximately 10 acres
*Soil Types: Blue lake loamy sand
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Pond/lake at the north end of the property
*Road/Access: Access from a gravel county road. Some existing trail infrastructure.
*Cover Types: Aspen, balsam fir, and other mixed hardwoods
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest mature aspen and balsam fir (primary focus is aspen). Approximately 2.5 acres.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible. Willing to wait for nearby harvest to make this harvest feasible.
*Referral Close: 3/25/24
Referral Number: 071-23-10
*Site Visit Date: 9/14/23
*Location: Presque Isle County, Allis T34N R02E
*Buildings: Yes, a home
*Parcel Size: 17 acres
*Soil Types: Onaway sand, 2-18% slopes; Brevort mucky loamy sand; Cathro muck; Hessel loam. Nearly all of the property is mapped as Onaway sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Seasonally wet depressions.
*Road/Access: Direct access from M-68.
*Cover Types: Smaller component northern hardwoods, sugar maple and basswood heavy, mostly pole sized. Larger component with mature bigtooth and quaking aspen throughout (7-20” DBH) and a semi-continuous midstory of pole-sized balsam fir. Good component of healthy pole-sized ash throughout. Scattered large red and white pine (15-30” DBH). Scattered sawlog-sized white spruce.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest to initiate regeneration and knock down/remove balsam fir midstory. Blankets of sugar maple seedlings are present in some areas. Regenerate aspen and provide more light for the growth of existing sugar maple seedlings and the establishment of additional pine.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as practical, willing to wait for a nearby sale to make this harvest economical if necessary.
*Referral Close: 9/28/23
Referral Number: 061-23-01
*Site Visit Date: 8/28/23
*Location: Cheboygan, Aloha T36N, R1W
*Buildings: Yes, small cabin
*Parcel Size: 80 acres (4x 20 acre parcels)
*Soil Types: Greatest portions Cheboygan loamy sand (0-6% slopes), Mancelona sand (0-6% slopes), and Blue Lake loamy sand (0-6% slopes). Smaller portions of Kalkaska sand, Rubicon sand, Ingalls loamy sand, Ogemaw sand, Croswell sand, Dawson peat, and Brimley very fine sandy loam.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some seasonally wet uplands. Swamp in the southeast corner of the property, easily avoided.
*Road/Access: Easy access off of a county road and well-maintained two-track.
*Cover Types: Approximately half of the property is northern hardwoods, sugar maple dominated, mature. Approximately 10+ acres of mature/overmature aspen. Pockets of hemlock-yellow birch-red maple. Ironwood abundant in many areas. 70 acres of merchantable timber overall.
*Landowner Objectives: Interested in a management plan as well as a well-supervised harvest. Timber tax is a concern; will likely want to establish their timber basis. Wants high quality forest left for their successor.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible.
*Referral Close: 9/11/2023
*Site Visit Date: N/A
*Location: Cheboygan County, Inverness Township, T37N R02W
*Buildings: A cabin
*Parcel size: ~80 acres
*Soil Types: Kalkaska and Mancelona sands in harvest area. Greenwood peat, Lupton muck, and Au Gres sand on other portions of the property.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Wetlands on the southern 1/3 of the property.
*Road/Access: Access from a gravel county road. Existing trail network on property.
*Cover Types: Northern hardwoods in harvest area, mixed lowland conifer/hardwood in wetland area.
*Landowner Objectives: Complete 40-acre forest stand improvement harvest as a part of an NRCS contract. Landowner stated ~2 cords per acre of firewood plus some sawtimber are marked for removal.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible.
*Referral Close: 1/20/25
Referral Number: 071-24-30
*Site Visit Date: 3/19/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Belknap Township, T34N R05E
*Buildings: A home and farmstead
*Parcel size: ~233 acres
*Soil Types: Largest parts Cathro muck, Emmet sandy loam, Hessel loam, and Brevort mucky loamy sand. Smaller parts other sands, mucks, and loams.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some shrub dominated wetlands and other seasonally wet areas
*Road/Access: Access from gravel county roads
*Cover Types: Largely mixed aspen and lowland conifers. Pockets dominated by white cedar, sugar maple, or lowland shrubs.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest mature and overmature aspen and balsam fir in the shorter term (~20-30 acres). Maintain forest health and productivity, including for wildlife cover and forage, in the long term. Potentially interested in the Qualified Forest Program.
*Landowner Timeline: Ongoing
*Referral Close: 12/16/24
Referral Number: 071-25-01
*Site Visit Date: 10/3/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Rogers Township. T36N R04E
*Buildings: A cabin
*Parcel size: 40 acres
*Soil Types: Most of the acreage split evenly between Iosco loamy sand and Brevort mucky loamy sand. Small proportion of Au Gres sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Seasonally wet areas.
*Road/Access: Access off a gravel road, about 1 mile from US-23.
*Cover Types: Mature aspen and balsam fir throughout, scattered red maple.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest to promote regeneration of aspen and release existing seedlings, harvest or knock down declining balsam fir. May be interested in a Forest Management Plan for QFP. Located near referral 071-24-36, a 10 acre harvest—could be combined to improve economic feasibility.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible. Dry conditions make this parcel much more easily operable right now than typical.
*Referral Close: 10/17/24
Referral Number: 004-25-01
*Site Visit Date: 9/18/24
*Location: Alpena County, Alpena Township. T31N R08E.
*Buildings: A home and several outbuildings.
*Parcel size: ~145 acres
*Soil Types: Largest part Chippeny muck, significant portions Ruse loam, Lachine loam, and Hagensville fine sandy loam. Lesser parts other sands and mucks.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some forested wetlands, other seasonally wet wooded areas.
*Road/Access: Access from gravel county roads. Relatively well-established existing trail network.
*Cover Types: Overmature aspen and paper birch mixed with balsam fir, white spruce, and black spruce. Some pure stands of high quality, log-sized cedar, and some mixed stands of cedar. Scattered maple and basswood.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest to regenerate aspen and remove declining spruce/balsam fir. Thin cedar stands in operable areas. Uncertain interest in the Qualified Forest Program, so may be interested in a Forest Management Plan at some point. Potential harvest area +/- 60 acres, mostly on the areas of Ruse loam and Hagensville fine sandy loam. Some on Chippeny muck.
*Landowner Timeline: Somewhat flexible. Preferably within the next year or so.
*Referral Close: 10/3/24
Referral Number: 071-24-52
*Site Visit Date: 8/15/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Ocqueoc Township. T35N, R03E
*Buildings: A hunting camp and a barn
*Parcel size: ~160 acres
*Soil Types: Roughly 50% of the land is split between Brevort mucky loamy sand and Glawe mucky very fine sandy loam. Moderate to small portions Croswell sand, Ingalls sand, Rubicon sand, Gladwin loamy sand, Au Gres sand and others.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Two constructed ponds and some seasonally wet forested areas.
*Road/Access: Access from a paved county road and quite well-established trail network. Primary roads from previous harvest remain.
*Cover Types: Mostly mixed aspen-red maple-balsam fir. White pine and red pine scattered throughout, some stands of pine. Scattered mature bur oak and red oak. Approximately 30 acres of red maple and aspen were harvested in 2020.
*Landowner Objectives: Review and amend their QFP management plan to reflect new management preferences. Harvest some areas of red maple, aspen, and balsam fir. Reduce intensity of scheduled harvesting in some areas and focus on areas of greatest present need. Manage for long-term timber quality, forest health, and wildlife habitat with future generations in mind.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible. Next QFP harvest is scheduled for 2025, so must be completed and reported by 2031.
*Referral Close: 8/29/24
Referral Number: 071-24-51
*Site Visit Date: 7/26/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Krakow Township, T33N R07E
*Buildings: A homestead including a barn
*Parcel size: 80
*Soil Types: Greatest portion Krakow flaggy fine sandy loam and Detour flaggy loam. Small portions Hessel mucky flaggy loam and Summerville flaggy fine sandy loam.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some seasonally wet forested areas
*Road/Access: Access on one side from a paved county road and on another from a gravel road.
*Cover Types: Small portions natural northern hardwoods, sugar maple and basswood dominant, along with a white cedar stand. Larger portions mixed red pine and black pine with smaller portions of white pine, Norway spruce, and white spruce. Large component of open land, much in CRP.
*Landowner Objectives: Develop a management plan for an application to the combined Qualified Forest and Agricultural exemption program. Interested in the use of prescribed fire to manage existing stands of switchgrass and potentially some of the pines as well.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible, flexible
*Referral Close: 8/20/24
Referral Number: 016-24-12
*Site Visit Date: 6/7/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Forest Township, T34N R01E
*Buildings: None
*Parcel size: ~120 acres
*Soil Types: Largely Emmet sandy loam and Cheboygan loamy sand in stand under consideration. Other portions of the property Lupton muck, Roscommon muck, Riggsville loamy sand, Au Gres sand, Rubicon sand, Blue lake loamy sand and Croswell sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: A pond and forested wetlands outside of the proposed harvest area.
*Road/Access: Access from a gravel county road and well established trail network.
*Cover Types: Northern hardwoods, red pine plantation, and mixed lowland conifers.
*Landowner Objectives: Selection harvest in approximately 10 acres of sawlog size northern hardwoods (currently approximately 135 sq. ft/acre basal area) to improve overall stand quality and reduce basal area to 85-100 sq. ft./acre to encourage ingrowth of regeneration.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 7/1/24
Referral Number: 071-24-36
*Site Visit Date: 05/24/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Rogers Township, T36N R04E
*Buildings: A small camp
*Parcel size: 40 acres
*Soil Types: Mostly Tawas muck, Hessel loam, and Hagensville fine sandy loam. Smaller portions Iosco loamy sand and Brevort mucky loamy sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Seasonally wet to wet forested and shrub dominated areas.
*Road/Access: Improved two-track off a gravel county road, will likely require widening.
*Cover Types: Mixed aspen, red maple, and paper birch in the uplands. Lowlands dominated by winterberry holly with pockets of mountain-ash and white cedar.
*Landowner Objectives: Potentially interested in developing a forest management plan for the Qualified Forest Program. Interested in a timber harvest of the upland aspen, red maple, and paper birch in the mature stands (mostly 10”-20” DBH) on Hessel loam. Retain scattered healthy and vigorous red maple as well as all white cedar, ideally in a pocket. Approximately 10 acres readily accessible from existing trails and approximately 2.5 additional acres would require crossing very mucky forested areas.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible (some of the aspen are overmature), but willing to wait for nearby harvests if necessary to make this project economical.
*Referral Close: 7/1/24
Referral Number: 071-24-37
*Site Visit Date: 5/29/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Bismark Township, T34N R04E
*Buildings: A small garage
*Parcel size: 40 acres
*Soil Types: Mostly Ingalls sand and Croswell sand with smaller portions Molke very fine sandy loam, Roscommon muck, and Bowers silt loam.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some forested wetland areas.
*Road/Access: Access via a wide gravel access road off of a gravel county road.
*Cover Types: Large portion young aspen, smaller portion mature aspen. Pockets of northern white cedar. Lowlands dominated by black ash, red maple, balsam poplar, and tag alder.
*Landowner Objectives: May be interested in developing a management plan for the Qualified Forest Program. Harvest approximately 5 acres of mature mixed red maple, aspen, and balsam fir (mostly aspen 7-14" DBH) on Ingalls sand. Avoid damaging well formed regeneration of longer-lived species like sugar maple, oak, and (healthy) ash.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible, willing to wait for nearby harvests to make this economical.
*Referral Close: 7/1/24
Referral Number: 016-24-09
*Site Visit Date: 4/16/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Burt Township, T36N R03W
*Buildings: A home and garage
*Parcel size: Approximately 5 acres
*Soil Types: Rubicon sand
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: None
*Road/Access: Access from a paved county road
*Cover Types: Northern red oak, smaller component red maple, sugar maple, and hemlock
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest a small number of northern red oak (likely in the range of 15-30 trees). Diameters ranging from 10 to 24 inches, relatively clear boles for at least 16 feet.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible. Is aware of the risk of introducing oak wilt during summer harvests, and is somewhat flexible regarding harvest timing if combining with a nearby harvest improves practicality.
*Referral Close: 5/1/24
Referral Number: 071-24-19
*Site Visit Date: 3/23/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Metz Township, T33N R5E
*Buildings: A small cabin and garage
*Parcel Size: 160 acres
*Soil Types: Largest parts Kalkaska sand, Allendale sand, and Au Gres sand, and Dawson peat. Smaller portions Melita loamy sand, and other sands, loams, and silt loams.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: A peaty depression and some seasonally wet forested areas.
*Road/Access: ¼ mile off a paved county road. Well established trail network throughout.
*Cover Types: Multiple ages of aspen due to two previous aspen and red maple harvests. Pockets of mature, mixed natural red and white pines (sawlog size) and pockets of planted red and white pines as well as spruce (sapling through small sawlog size). An unharvested stand of mature aspen, red maple, and balsam fir with smaller component of paper birch.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest mature aspen, balsam fir, and red maple (approximately 23 acres), leaving pockets of healthy paper birch as well as individual longer-lived species. May be interested in thinning red and white pines. Potentially interested in a Forest Management Plan and the Qualified Forest Program.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 4/8/24
Referral Number: 071-24-18
*Site Visit Date: 3/21/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Metz Township, T33N R5E
*Buildings: Construction of hunting camp in progress
*Parcel Size: 158 acres
*Soil Types: Largest parts Emmet and Onaway sandy loams, Brevort mucky loamy sand, Cathro muck, Au Gres sand, Hagensville fine sandy loam, and Hessel loam. Smaller parts other sands and loams.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Seasonally wet areas, stream headwaters intersect a small portion of the property.
*Road/Access: Access from a gravel county road, 1 mile to paved county roads.
*Cover Types: Much the area was recently harvested and has red maple and aspen regeneration well established. Less than ¼ of the area was not harvested and is mostly dominated by mixed lowland conifers, especially white spruce and balsam fir. Some areas where aspen, red maple, and balsam poplar did not regenerate are dominated by grasses, sedges, and cattails.
*Landowner Objectives: Develop a forest management plan and join the Qualified Forest Program. Interested in additional timber harvests when practical.
*Landowner Timeline: Would prefer to be ready to apply for QFP before this year’s deadline (September 1).
*Referral Close: 4/4/24
Referral Number: 071-24-16
*Site Visit Date: 3/7/24
*Location: Presque Isle County, Pulawski Township, T34N R06E
*Buildings: A cabin
*Parcel Size: 40 acres
*Soil Types: Mostly Hessel mucky flaggy loam with a bedrock substratum, some Au Gres sand and Evart silt loam.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: A river passes through the property, but not in the area of interest.
*Road/Access: Access from an old railroad grade
*Cover Types: Lowland hardwoods, especially quaking aspen and red maple. Lowland mixed conifers.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest all mature aspen in an approximately 100’ buffer around the well-established access road. Possibly some other pockets of aspen. Approximately 3-acre harvest along the access road.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 4/3/24
Referral Number: 016-24-06
*Site Visit Date: 3/19/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Waverly Township, T35N R01E
*Buildings: A home and barn
*Parcel Size: Approximately 80 acres
*Soil Types: Mostly Fairport fine sandy loam with a smaller component Bonduel loamy very fine sand
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: A constructed pond and some seasonally wet areas.
*Road/Access: Access from a paved county road
*Cover Types: Largest portions mature, high quality aspen ranging from 8-16” diameter. Smaller areas of northern hardwoods and mixed lowland conifers.
*Landowner Objectives: Forest management plan and harvest approximately 15 acres of mature aspen while retaining and protecting sugar maple, oak, elm, and black cherry.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 4/2/24
Referral Number: 016-24-03
*Site Visit Date: 2/23/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Munro Township, T 37 N, R 03 W
*Buildings: No
*Parcel Size: Approximately 164 acres
*Soil Types: Uplands predominately Cheboygan loamy sand with smaller portions Blue Lake loamy sand and Leelanau loamy sand. Lowlands largely Lupton muck, Brevort mucky loamy sand, Au Gres sand, and Bowstring Muck.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Partially forested wetland makes up 1/3 to 1/2 of the property.
*Road/Access: Access from two gravel county roads and one seasonal county road.
*Cover Types: Northern hardwoods (largely sugar maple and basswood), scotch pine, and mixed lowland conifer.
*Landowner Objectives: Selection cut in 30 acres of mature northern hardwoods. About 12 acres is on steep terrain. Would like small diameter scotch pine removed if possible as well. Landowner has a forest management plan.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible
*Referral Close: 3/25/24
Referral Number: 016-24-04
*Site Visit Date: 3/5/34
*Location: Cheboygan County, Inverness Township, T 37 N, R 02 W
*Buildings: Yes, a house and a detached garage
*Parcel Size: Approximately 38 acres
*Soil Types: Cheboygan sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: None present
*Road/Access: Access to from gravel county roads. Existing road network on the property provides access to the stand in question.
*Cover Types: Northern hardwoods, aspen, and a spruce plantation. Plantation thinned once and is 120 sqft/acre, DBHs mostly falling within 8”-12” range.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest mature spruce plantation (just over 7 acres) to reduce the incidence of needlecast and other disease. Retain some healthy individuals with deep crowns.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible
*Referral Close: 3/25/24
Referral Number: 016-24-05
*Site Visit Date: 3/5/24
*Location: Cheboygan County, Nunda Township, T 33 N, R 02 W
*Buildings: A house
*Parcel Size: Approximately 10 acres
*Soil Types: Blue lake loamy sand
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Pond/lake at the north end of the property
*Road/Access: Access from a gravel county road. Some existing trail infrastructure.
*Cover Types: Aspen, balsam fir, and other mixed hardwoods
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest mature aspen and balsam fir (primary focus is aspen). Approximately 2.5 acres.
*Landowner Timeline: Flexible. Willing to wait for nearby harvest to make this harvest feasible.
*Referral Close: 3/25/24
Referral Number: 071-23-10
*Site Visit Date: 9/14/23
*Location: Presque Isle County, Allis T34N R02E
*Buildings: Yes, a home
*Parcel Size: 17 acres
*Soil Types: Onaway sand, 2-18% slopes; Brevort mucky loamy sand; Cathro muck; Hessel loam. Nearly all of the property is mapped as Onaway sand.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Seasonally wet depressions.
*Road/Access: Direct access from M-68.
*Cover Types: Smaller component northern hardwoods, sugar maple and basswood heavy, mostly pole sized. Larger component with mature bigtooth and quaking aspen throughout (7-20” DBH) and a semi-continuous midstory of pole-sized balsam fir. Good component of healthy pole-sized ash throughout. Scattered large red and white pine (15-30” DBH). Scattered sawlog-sized white spruce.
*Landowner Objectives: Harvest to initiate regeneration and knock down/remove balsam fir midstory. Blankets of sugar maple seedlings are present in some areas. Regenerate aspen and provide more light for the growth of existing sugar maple seedlings and the establishment of additional pine.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as practical, willing to wait for a nearby sale to make this harvest economical if necessary.
*Referral Close: 9/28/23
Referral Number: 061-23-01
*Site Visit Date: 8/28/23
*Location: Cheboygan, Aloha T36N, R1W
*Buildings: Yes, small cabin
*Parcel Size: 80 acres (4x 20 acre parcels)
*Soil Types: Greatest portions Cheboygan loamy sand (0-6% slopes), Mancelona sand (0-6% slopes), and Blue Lake loamy sand (0-6% slopes). Smaller portions of Kalkaska sand, Rubicon sand, Ingalls loamy sand, Ogemaw sand, Croswell sand, Dawson peat, and Brimley very fine sandy loam.
*Water Bodies/Wetlands: Some seasonally wet uplands. Swamp in the southeast corner of the property, easily avoided.
*Road/Access: Easy access off of a county road and well-maintained two-track.
*Cover Types: Approximately half of the property is northern hardwoods, sugar maple dominated, mature. Approximately 10+ acres of mature/overmature aspen. Pockets of hemlock-yellow birch-red maple. Ironwood abundant in many areas. 70 acres of merchantable timber overall.
*Landowner Objectives: Interested in a management plan as well as a well-supervised harvest. Timber tax is a concern; will likely want to establish their timber basis. Wants high quality forest left for their successor.
*Landowner Timeline: As soon as possible.
*Referral Close: 9/11/2023